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Sunday, August 1, 2010

How Blessed Am I, Really?

Well, I just got back from a week at EFY. What a great week! I know that I need wake-up calls like that to make me realize how blessed I am in my life.

Isn't it just amazing how, even when you know life was going to be hard, you trusted God so completely and totally that you came here to fight for him, anyway? I know life gets really really hard sometimes--trust me, I've been there myself. But please don't ever give up! Because you've already won! There's no losing in this life! Only learning!

There are certain people in my life that I know I covenanted with to come to Earth and fight with them. I know I need their spirit and their strengths to help lift me. I know I can't do this alone, and there's no need to feel like I ever am alone. With my eternal friends, and my Savior, I am never alone.

So, thank you Michelle Clark. Kinsey Smith. Kailey McBride. Kevin McBride. Jacob Booher. Laura McBride. Danielle Sloan. Parker Garner. You truly are my eternal friends. We will be able to receive the blessings of eternity and spend that said eternity together--joyfully--if we only endure. And we can... Because we've already won!

He is our King, and our Father--we are His sons and daughters.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Aly! You are so amazing and such a strength to everyone around you. :)
